

STAMPlorations April challenge

April already - awesome!!
Days are getting longer, snow is melting really fast
and sun feels warm again.

And also time for a new challenge at 
STAMPlorations. You can go by the theme

or by the sketch

or of course - use both. 
I went with a theme using
and H2O watercolors.

I quite like the vintage feeling in this card, even if is really CAS for my make.

Hope here to see what other DT's have done (we have great GDT this month Ashwini , Conil and Mac Mable) and join the challenge.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Such a beautiful card. Love the blue ink puddle at the bottom of the feather. The colours and the feel of your card is gorgeous.

  2. Oh Sari! LOVE this beauty! What a gorgeous take on splatters! :)
    Suchi xx

  3. Such a fantabulous and wonderful design you created. I really enjoy the watercolor effect and that feather is scrumdidilyumptious! Awesome sauce details and card! ~Niki


Thank you for visiting, hugs.