

Dream in Darkness - April challenge

So it's a spring time at last,
and a new month brings a new
challenge to Dream in Darkness
with a new awesome sponsor:

You really should visit there, place is full of awesome,
wicked images. My tag is made using THIS naked lady.

She is colored with Inktense and the swirls around her are embossed
- hmm, speaking of embossing, that's the theme in Left of Center this week.
Letters are stamp, cut and glued.

So let your imagination go wild and join the DiD challenge,
it's anything goes but cute, so any dark, wicked, diverse.. Welcome to play.

4 kommenttia:

  1. LOVe this Sari! Fabulous image and your color scheme and design are amazing. xxD

  2. Wow Sari! I agree with Donna the colour scheme & design are amazing. So dark. I'm loving the texture & dimensionality too :-) Thank you so much for continuing to join us at Left of Center Creative Challenges. AELx

  3. Stunning tag! I love how you've colored her. Thanks for sharing with us at LOC challenges.


Thank you for visiting, hugs.