Yahuu, juuri oli mahtava SentiMint julkaisut ja jälleen juhlitaan, Sassy Studio täyttää täydet 5 vuotta ja juhlistaa synttäreitään viidellä mahtavalla uudella digillä - käyhän kurkkaamassa! Ja superkivalla blogihyppelyllä, jossa palkintoina - mitäpä muutakaan - kun mageita Sassyjä, :D
Minulla oli ilo tehdä kortti uudestä kakku Sassystä ja kaveriksi hänelle laitoinkin juhliin kaksi Oz Sassya
Kuvan väritin ProMarkkereilla ja Copiceilla, taustan embossasin taskulla ja somisteeksi muutama höyhen ja 3D tarroja - aikas räväkkä ja taatusti bilehenkinen kortti, ;)
Sassy Studio is turning 5 and there is big celebration with 5 awesome new images, and gues what, brilliant blog hop that offers you great fun and change to win, win, win..
I was happy to make a card out of B-cake Sassy, I placed her celebrating with Oz Sassy's, coloured the images with ProMarkers and Copics, embossed metalpaper with folder and added few feathers and 3D flowerstickers
And here is the bloghop list, your next hop should be fabulous Sheena
Ja tässäpä hyppelyjärjesty vielä, seuraavana vuorossa onkin upea Sheena.
Granne - olet tässä, you are here
Muutamaan haasteeseen:
Fan-Tastic Tuesday - kaikki käy
Crafty Girls Challenge - kaikki käy
Creative Fingers - kaikki käy
Left of Center - metallia
Beautiful card. Thank you for sharing witth us at Left of Center. xxx Keren
VastaaPoistaGorgeous card! Love the bright colors and feathers you added and it's a nice touch to add the two Sassies in the back.
Kyllä on IHANA!
VastaaPoistaMahtavilla väreillä...ja kokonaisuus!
Sari, love everything about your card. the coloring, the embossing, the feathers, the added images. Fabulous.
Poistayour SSD brother
I always love your work,such creativity,love the color,feathers embossing love it all
VastaaPoistaI loved this from the first time I saw it, made me smile. Wonderful colors, coloring, and embellies!
VastaaPoistaDebbieM - Your Sassy Sister
Wow! this is kinda amazing! Love the colors, feathers-everything! And your project for the SentiMints release is GORGEOUS
VastaaPoistaWhat a FUN card! Love all your embellishments and how you added the other images!
VastaaPoistaThis is a super cool card! I love your use of the images. I must figure out how to manipulate them together like that. :)
VastaaPoistaWay Way to Awesome. Love this.
VastaaPoistaOh wow pink and green is my favourite colour combo. You did awesome job with colouring. I love it!
VastaaPoistaHugs, Diana
This card is my favourite in the hop. Such neat colour choices and the way you merged the images. With those embellishments it makes me think of a cabaret! Fantastic job!! xo your sassy sister Melissa
VastaaPoistaStunning card, I love the colors, the coloring, and everything about it.
VastaaPoistaEverything is so beautiful! Love the way you put the images together
VastaaPoistaI love the embossed metal paper that you have used. Wish I could find something like that! Love how you used vibrant colours and teamed her with another image.
VastaaPoistaStunning! Thanks for joining at Creative Fingers: Anything Goes with Nikki Burnett
Wonderful card!! Love the different images you've used and fabulous layout! Thank you for sharing this at Left of Center this fortnight! Remember we are going weekly from the 4th of July and if you'd like to join us as a guest DT, let me know! Mo dt coordinator xxx
VastaaPoistaFabulous card hun love it and thanks so much for sharing with us at Fan-Tastic Tuesday have a great day hugs Judith DT x
VastaaPoistaThis card is incredible! I LOVE your colors! Great job coloring the digis and I love how you used many digis on the same card - great use of the Oz digis as background people. What a fun card! The embossed metal paper is amazing! What a beautiful touch!
VastaaPoistaStunning Granne! So happy to have you as GDT over at Sassy Studios. Hugs Your Sassy Sister Michelle
VastaaPoistaStunning coloring skills! Love your card! Thanks for joining us this week at Creative Fingers!
Creative Fingers DT