

What a day - ATC

Wicked Wednesday has a Glitter theme this week so I made this sparkling mermaid ATC using Happy Little Mermaid from Aurora Wings and Broken net from Visible Image. I think the net is really uppseting poor mermaid ...

I used Inktense and Prismacolors to color the image and then glittery clear embossing powder to stamp the net and cover the whole mermaid ... so lots of glitter there is, :=).

I would also like to enter Aurora Wings AG challenge, Inspiration Destination AG challenge and Crafting By Designs AG challenge.

4 kommenttia:

  1. What a uniquely charming take on this little mermaid image, Sari! I love your coloring on the mermaid and the net texture. This is such an enchanting little story you created on an ATC! Thank you for joining us again for the Anything Goes challenge at Aurora Wings. Mitzi xx

  2. Wow, she looks so gorgeous. Its so effective how you coloured her Sari, her face especially with the different colours - LOVE. Great background too. Thanks for joining us at Wicked Wednesday :)

  3. This is super cool, fab ideas.
    Thanks for joining us at ID CHALLENGE BLOG.

    Tracey CT

  4. WOW! Love, love, LOVE this Sari! Fabulous coloring, texture and design, especially in such a small space. Thank you so much for joining us (again!) for the "Anything Goes" challenge at Aurora Wings! xxD


Thank you for visiting, hugs.