

whimsical lady

My older daughter will have a name day next week.
So I made her this card and send it with a little gift card
for bookstore. We don't really celebrate our name days
anymore (girls are all grown up) but it's nice to surprise them, :D

I'd like to enter to these challenges:

with this index card

The poem goes something like this
Shall I tell you about the cat
- he is the sneaker at the moonlight.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Fantastic work on both projects. They are absolutely stunning! So glad you joined us over at Morgan's ArtWorld. We hope to see you again.
    ~ Arlene CT

  2. Beautiful take on the sketch. Thanks for joining us at Cheerful Sketches.
    xxx Margreet

  3. een hele mooie kaart
    bedankt voor het meedoen
    groetjes jolanda bongers
    DT Cheerful sketches

  4. A very nice mistic card. Thank you for participating to our challenge at Cheerful Sketches.


Thank you for visiting, hugs.