

Headache bookmarktag

Sisterhood has a fun challenge:

I made this tag bookmark for the challenge.

Using Art by Marlene paper and die cuts.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Wow, I love that owl! And yes, that is totally what he/she/it is saying. Thanks for sharing your headache with us at SOSS.

  2. I think I looked a little like this owl yesterday. :( Perfect images for this sentiment! Thanks for joining the fun at the SIsterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  3. Ohhhhhhh fab bookmark tag!
    I love love love that owl!!
    Thanks for joining Edna and the sisterhood to kick off 2020 with some snark and a headache :)

  4. Great bookmark, that is how I feel when reading, just get away from me. Thank you for hanging out with the sisterhood.


Thank you for visiting, hugs.